Quote hullbg="hullbg"Not sure where you are looking but i see unlimited broadband and unlimited local and national calls including line rental equals £36 a month
I currently pay £29 for internet and another £13 for phone each month plus i get the privelidge of paying for national calls on top of that.
So i would save a decent amount each month as i do not ring mobiles from home phone so all my calls would be free.'"
i went to checkout page and got this price
One-off costs
Activation fee £30.00
Connection costs £44.00
Wireless kit FREE
Monthly costs
Broadband XL £15.00
Phone XL Talk Unlimited £6.00
Line rental £11.00
Line features £0.00
Total monthly cost (inc VAT)
First three months £32.00
Thereafter £41.00
so that's wher I got £40 from
You have to put your postcode in and it says prices vary depending on location.