Quote Wire_Yed_79="Wire_Yed_79"
Seriously though i think that the talent pool is shrinking due to people playing and taking up football. Can you honestly say that you us saints etc etc
have anyone coming up as good as Radlinski ?
Don't think football has anything to do with the matter tbh.
IMO football has always been the number 1 sport in Wigan even growing up as a kid during the late 80's-early 90's it's just that most people don't support Latics, they support Man U, Liverpool, Everton etc etc.
We've not utilised the talent pool and thats the problem. We've gone down the road of bringing in too many overseas deadlegs and are counting the cost.
There are players with the skills of a Kris Radlinski in the reserves at Wigan and all over Wigan at relative ages to Rads but the thing that set Radlinski apart was his attitude! He put 100% into everything he did and was a total professional. He loved playing for Wigan and gave it his all everytime he took to the pitch.