Quote peacock883="peacock883"Yet again i travel over the M62 tonight to witness what has top be THE most obese set of supporters i have ever had the misfortune to lay my eyes upon. It's not even like there are just a few of you who are a bit overweight, you are all MAHOOSIVE! I even saw one of you knock down a lorry.
I presume i am also correct in that you lot must be the athletic ones as all the others are too huge to leave the house/get out of their patio doors. It makes me feel sick. Will some of you please try a fitness regime or knock down a couple of salads before i make my next trip over there, i feel nauseous at the very sight of you all, and i can see you from pretty far away...'"
Half of Yorkshire is officially classed as obese because each time one of your uncles sleeps with your mum, she gives them a biscuit.