Quote Keith Swiftcorn="Keith Swiftcorn"Yeah, yeah, yeah... I also recall G. Hetherington's pre-season agenda statement to the effect that certain clubs (he was alluding to Wigan) were strangling the life out of the game. The agenda being to prepare Leeds fans for disappointment in 2011 and beyond by directing blame at other clubs unethical approach to the game. Ironic when one considers that Leeds themselves won 3 titles on the back of a sterile and mediocre approach, laying on in the tackle, slowing down of the opposition PTB, grappling and arm-wrestling. The Leeds squad has grown old and no longer has the legs, the armoury, the consistency or the appetite to produce the same these days. I've got news for you. The game has been sliding towards the sterile and the mediocre throughout the SL era, and the last 3 or 4 seasons in particular. The last half-decent side in SL was St Helens in 2006.
It's a majority sport on the east coast of Australia and a minority sport elsewhere. Hardly rates a mention in 3 out of the 5 major population centres... namely Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth.'"
Wish it was a majority sport even in West Yorkshire, that might boost playing numbers and the pool of talent from which to shape a challenge agains the Aussies! Sadly I think your analysis of the last 3-4 seasons is pretty accurate.
Not sure that GH's pre-season pronouncements were solely aimed as softening us (Leeds fans) up for a crap season. I think as a senior administrator he may indeed genuinely believe as I do that the product on the field is headed in a sterile and commercially unsustainable direction. (yes I know yesterdays game was exciting and pretty good overall) - my point is that there are fewer and fewer games even remotely approaching the standard we saw yesterday and that even yesterday's match was pretty flawed in many areas!
Of course I could just stop watching (and spending pretty hefty sums on season tickets for my family of 4, big games for 4, lots of merchandise etc) but I am what's called a fan and I live in hope that Leeds will be at the vanguard of a UK lead RL renaissance...It may still happen!