Quote LS16_Rhino="LS16_Rhino"…and JFK was shot by a man on a grassy knoll.
Conspiracy theorists will always believe what they want to fit their own agenda.
If you honestly believe that, in this current economic climate, your company plan on reducing it’s workforce by 1200 (at some considerable cost) because they feel that they can hide behind the clock or recession and “they just want an excuse to get rid of a few bed eggs and trouble causers” then you are seriously deluded.
Just sit back for a second and think, really think, would my company pay off over a sixth of its employees just to make a point or to mickey of the union?
Your company is making 1200 redundancies because they need to cut their overheads to survive – it aint rocket science.'"
Do you know the company I work for?? Have you seen any of its financial figures??
Our parent company has just paid off several hundred million pounds worth of debt and also raised hundred of millions by selling some shares it had in another company.
My company has paid £300million in cash back to the parent company and we have an order book somwhere in the region of several hundred million and prior to any announcement on redundancies had a forecast profit in excess of £100million.
Does that sound like a company in trouble?
Now perhaps you can stop putting words in my mouth and stop your petty insults.